Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Criteria Dining Table Minimalist On Minimalist House

Minimalist dining table seems to be one of the types of furniture that can not be missed to be applied in a residential home minimalist design. The main purpose of this minimalist table use is as an element of 'amplifier' minimalist design ideas promoted by the homeowner. It may even minimalist table, as is the case with other types of furniture minimalist theme, became mandatory elements that must exist in a minimalist home.

For those of you who still do not know the criteria minimalist table, the following information for your brevity.

Criteria Dining Table Minimalist On Minimalist House

Models and materials minimalist table

The first criterion is the model table. There are two options minimalist table, ie a table with a square shape and a table with a round shape / circle. Especially for small minimalist house, you should use a rectangular table that the table does not seem fulfilling dining room. But if you want the feel of the dining room is intimate and warm, the dining table is round or elliptical is the most appropriate choice for you.

The second criterion is the material of the table. When choosing a minimalist table, sebaknya select a table with high quality materials. Wooden table, for example, said to be qualified if it is made from 100 percent wood without any mixture. Desk with high quality will always be durable and not easily damaged.

Minimalist table size

Criteria other minimalist table that is sized to match. Make sure that you choose a dining table that corresponds to your dining room area. If your dining room is spacious, choose a large minimalist table and vice versa. Additionally, adjust the minimalist form with function table or your needs. If your family members a lot, you should use a square table that can contain quite a lot of properties that are on the table.

However, if your family members are not many (only 2 or 3 only), you should select a small round table form. Suitable sekaliuntuk your small dining room. Type a table like this can create the feel of an intimate and warm. Some of the above criteria also applies to the living room table in a minimalist home.

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