Friday, October 24, 2014

Using ideas Minimalist House Paint Colors

Use of Color Idea Minimalist House Paint - minimalist house is a fashion house that is now a favorite or favorites almost all Indonesian people. Minimalist house is considered more practical and more convenient, because the division of space in the house minimalist can have several different functions (multifunction). This reduces the use of land to build a minimalist house, so the cost for the land alone could be reduced as much as possible.

Minimalist House Idea

Because his name is minimalist, most people perceive it to not add things that are not necessary in a minimalist home. However, a minimalist home can be very boring if the settings are useful for creating space lines on a house is not divided properly.

As we know that the idea of ​​a minimalist home is created from simple shapes. In this case, the form most commonly used is the box. The shape of the box in a minimalist home is quite easy to get up further processed into a space that will be constructed of a variety of types of building materials, or a room that has a specific function. Minimalist house design that looks quite dull this can be tricked with a touch of color that can be channeled by the minimalist house paint.

Cat House Design Minimalist Bedroom

Minimalist House Design Cat Classic

Cat House Design Minimalist Family Room

Cat House Design Minimalist Workspace

Use Paint Color

A minimalist house will look attractive with the use of an appropriate minimalist house paint. It has to be adjusted in addition to the minimalist house paint color combinations is the use of material or construction material used. Paint color combinations minimalist house needs special attention, because if a minimalist house using only one color, the shapes of the minimalist houses will not be obvious.

For those of you who like bright colors or want to use bright colors in a minimalist home, you can incorporate the color green, for example, with other colors that are not too much contrast. The use of paint color minimalist home usually do not combine too many colors, so it still carries a minimalist image. It is not recommended to use red and green at the same minimalist house. The key is to look not too different color or contrast for your minimalist house room.

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